Evolution of the Duo Chamber
New Edition of the Most Popular Chamber


The new version of OMNIOXY's flagship product

Why choose this model?

This chamber is an upgraded version of the classic and widely known Duo chamber. Its unique features include adjustable pressure, allowing you to customize conditions to individual preferences, and improved air circulation, resulting in more efficient sessions due to increased oxygenation. The modern design of the gauges and the special horseshoe-shaped lock make it easier to use the chamber, while sturdy frame connections eliminate the possibility of deformation or disconnection. This chamber combines modernity, functionality, and comfort, creating perfect conditions for relaxation and regeneration.


What should you know about the OMNIOXY DUO PRO chamber?

Ease of use

Wystarczy wyznaczone miejsce, dostęp do prądu i przejście naszego darmowego szkolenia, by móc korzystać z zalet tlenoterapii hiperbarycznej.

Gentle pressure up to 1.4 ATA.

An optimal hyperbaric environment with a high level of safety that can be adjusted.

7 window openings

The largest window surface on the market reduces the possibility of triggering claustrophobia.

A meticulously crafted design

The horseshoe-shaped lock facilitates entering and exiting the chamber.

Length 235 cm and diameter 90 cm

Sessions can be used by two people, allowing for accompanying a child or elderly person.

Dedicated generator with ionization and cooling system.

In addition to the already known compatible generators, there is the option to choose a new, specially dedicated generator for the OMNIOXY Pro chamber, equipped with an advanced ionization and cooling system.

Facilitated entry into the chamber

The horseshoe-shaped lock used facilitates entry into the chamber, ensuring comfort and ease of use.

Pressure up to 1.4 ATA

In the DUO PRO chamber, there is the possibility of adjusting the pressure up to 1.4 ATA, resulting in better air circulation and more effective oxygenation. This makes the sessions more effective, ensuring even better results.

Functional barrier with a platform

There is the option to adjust the barrier with a platform, which allows sessions to be used by elderly individuals and those with injuries. This is a key element of the whole, increasing the comfort and safety of users.


Zestaw profilowanych materacy Komfort+

Podczas 60-minutowej sesji wygodne ułożenie ciała jest podstawą. Zestaw materacy OMNIOXY umożliwia dowolne profilowanie pozycji – siedzącej lub leżącej i półleżącej – także, jeżeli z sesji korzystają dwie osoby. Wszystkie elementy pokryte są materiałem z certyfikatem medycznym, co pozwala na łatwe utrzymanie czystości w komorze.


We are a trusted business partner.

We provide you with the knowledge and support needed for daily operation of the regeneration point. You can rely on our team of specialists in hyperbaric oxygen therapy.


We are available to address your doubts, respond to malfunctions, and regularly service your equipment. We ensure continuity and high quality of the services provided by you.


We regularly conduct training on mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy! Plan your training and retraining for yourself and your employees. We are creating the OMNIOXY Academy with business knowledge.


We assist in obtaining financing from our partners. Contact us, and together we will find the best solution for you.


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